Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Some Very Fine Sowers

Nicolaus Zinzendorf

Hudson Taylor

George Muller

Frances Ridley Havergal

Watchman Nee

Albert Benjamin Simpson

Catherine Clibborn-Booth

John Nelson Darby

A. W. Tozer

Margaret E. Barber

Cambridge Seven

These portraits are only a few (read Hebrews 11) of those lovers of God who have sown their lives into the harvest for Christ had sown Himself so much into them. I could not find a free photo of Witness Lee online so I did not post his photo, but his ministry is such a pouring out of God that it makes me sad I don't have his face here. Witness Lee was Watchman Nee's close coworker so if I had a photo I should like to place them side by side.  All the photos might be better put in chronological order too, with at least a little statement about each of these lives,  but right now I just want to put some of these dear faces up together to remind me of who my real heroes are.