Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Gleaners

Here it is springtime, sowing time, but I had to post a picture of one of my favorites, a painting by Jean-Francois Millet, THE GLEANERS, a harvest time picture.  Just like His painting of THE SOWER I admire this painting very much.  These paintings by Millet are rich in artistic value, but richer in spiritual meaning.  Gleaning is a delight, and unless you have been poor or needy, you cannot understand the comfort being provided for makes.  Here there is not a lone gleaner, but a group, as it should be.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Apple Tree

Every time I work in the garden, the Lord who created all things and who is the Word (John 1:1)1, speaks to me.  He tells me how things are planted and how they grow.  So many pictures are in the Bible that help us to recognize God's speaking to us in His creation (Matthew 13:3)2.  Of course, He speaks to us in His written word, the Bible, but He also speaks to us in His creation (Romans 1:19-20)3.  God first set man in a garden and there had fellowship with him.  God is always speaking, so we need to learn how to listen.  First, we need His logos word, the Bible, then we need His rhema word, His instant speaking within us.  Of course He needs to dwell inside of us for His speaking to be heard as rhema (John 8:31, 15:7-8)4.  

The apple tree is a wonderful consideration and very meaningful.  In the Bible the apple tree signifies God as the rich provider of life.  He saves us by His grace and grants to us everything of Himself as life.  We will need His provision our entire lives.  Unlike, the darkened concepts of the painters of past eras, the apple tree does NOT signify the tree that Satan tempted Eve with. Trees are very significant to our God, and the Old and New Testaments are filled with verses concerning the trees and vines.  Each one has a poetic significance, and  learning the meaning of the symbols God uses in the Bible is another way He is able to speak to us in nature.  We need to see that God is daily providing Himself as grace to us.  We need to take His grace every day.  

Though an apple itself is not grace, merely a picture of grace.  It is a picture of God's bountiful supply of grace for a reason. There is an old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apples contain many nutrients that really do contribute to our maintaining our health.  They are rich in vitamin C and antioxidant flavonoids, and contain phenols to lower cholesterol. They are purported to prevent various cancers, especially eaten in their entirety, seeds and all.  They maintain body weight and regulate metabolism.  Eaten raw, they help the body maintain a proper ph balance by alkalizing. They are supposed to help our heart, lungs and our memory. There are thousands of varieties of apples.  Here in the United States, apples are available to us all year around, so why not try an apple a day, unless of course you just like visiting your doctor?

An apple is from the rose family.  
See it always has a calyx of five, just like the rose, and the fruit has a five pointed star in the center. You would find the same if you cut a rose hip in half.

Verses noted from above:

1- John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

2- Matthew 13:3 - "And He spoke many things to them in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went out to sow.

3- Romans 1:19-20 -  "Because that which is known of God is manifest 1within them, for God manifested it to them. For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse;"

4- John 8:31 - "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, If you aabide in My word, you are truly My disciples"
John 15:7-8 - "If you abide in Me and My 1awords abide in you, 2ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. In this is My Father 1aglorified, that you bear much fruit and so you will become My bdisciples.